Collaboration with Pâme - collection one - Polaroid Collages

Very excited to share a collaboration with Paris-based Pâme who work with artists to create limited edition 100% crêpe silk scarves and handkerchiefs.

Se pâmer is a french verb, meaning to lose consciousness from an excess of pleasure; to swoon. Used to describe the sensation of being impressed by a work of art, the verb “se pâmer” can also be found in libertine literature to describe the climax of sexual excitement.

The first part of the collection is a selection of works from my ongoing Polaroid Collages series (2018-TBA) and is available now via their website. Individual Polaroid Collages handkerchiefs are an edition of 15 and are 25 x 25 cm. Silk scarves are an edition of 50 and are 90 x 90 cm.