HUNG - 10 years later

10 years ago in London I curated an exhibition of my queer art heroes. Titled HUNG (a double entendre given that it took place at an exhibition and events space called The Horse Hospital), it ran October 15th - October 30th 2010. I didn’t see much queer work being exhibited in London then (and really still don’t) as opposed to in NY where I’d spent a coupe of years living. I wanted to bring that energy and in-your-face sexuality to London and was lucky enough to already be in touch with the likes of Bruce LaBruce and Walter Pfeiffer and Slava Mogutin, amongst others, who agreed to be a part of it. I also showed a couple of works there, including a neon sign inspired by a classic gay art/porn movie Bijou and a series of appropriated selfies. Thanks to everyone who supported the show all those years ago and of course to all the artists who were a part of it.