Lush - trio exhibition currently on view in Mexico City

Lush opened Saturday 7th at ALMANAQUE fotográfica in Mexico City and I was lucky enough to be in attendance as I’m currently in Mexico City. Details below. The exhibition will run until the end of 2020.


Corcuera, Fernández, Sandford: Lush

Mariana Corcuera, México Federico Fernández, Argentina Stuart Sandford, United Kingdom

ALMANAQUE fotográfica

Colima 101 PB. Colonia Roma. Mexico City

Inauguration SAT. NOV. 7th (by appointment) with an artists reception SUN. NOV. 8TH (invitations forthcoming). Special private viewings during: “” from NOV. 13 to 15, 2020

ALMANAQUE is honoured to present Corcuera, Fernández, Sandford: Lush, a trio exhibition with works by Mariana Corcuera (Mexico), Federico Fernández (Argentina) and Stuart Sandford (United Kingdom).

Is our perception already affected by the domain of the pictures in our screens? Corcuera, Fernández and Sandford allow photography’s textures and materiality to crave in our dopamine to stage viewership as a reflection of three images courses to be tasted with different senses.

The use of expanded photographic practices and supports such as textile, projections and 3d photo- based sculpture in addition to polaroids collages and digital prints, shows that the formal conclusion of a captured image can redeem the virtual in order to become something real.

Chiffon and polymer, paper, metallic and cotton fibre are the image supports to depict flesh, food, flowers or bodies to inspire voluptuous ideas in our minds, in a post-disciplinary age of art, when images can be consciously deploy free gestures of the photographic, the painterly, and the sculptural.

The collection of images presented in the trio show: Corcuera, Fernández, Sandford: Lush, Almanaque’s first presential show after the lockdown, are the ingredients of a synesthetic artistic practice to season a momentous present when we savour to feel alive.

We will have the pleasure of the presence of Stuart Sandford who is traveling from the UK for this special occasion.

Curated by Almanaque’s founder, Arturo Delgado, the exhibition Corcuera, Fernández, Sandford: Lush will be inaugurated on SATURDAY NOV. 7h. from 12 to 16h.* Followed by special hours during the “”, an event consisting on a series of special viewings of more than 20 artist’s studios, independent spaces and galleries in Mexico City from November 13th to 15th of 2020.

* With sanitary protocol and mandatory mask, by appointment at your preferred time writing to: